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为了研究旋转爆震燃烧与涡轮部件组合的工作特性,对旋转爆震波与涡轮静子叶栅的相互作用过程进行了数值模拟,考虑了不同传播方向的影响,详细分析了爆震波与涡轮叶栅相互作用机理。结果表明,爆震波顺着叶盆方向传播时,在叶栅的叶盆处出现高温区,逆向传播时,同时在叶盆和叶背处都出现高温区;并且顺向传播时产生的反射波强度更大。分析了涡轮进出口压力和温度的变化过程,发现涡轮对压力的波动有一定抑制作用,顺向和逆向传播的爆震波经过涡轮叶栅后压力变化幅值分别下降了68%和57%。得到了对于当前叶栅构型,顺向传播的爆震波总压损失为11.03%,而逆向传播的爆震波总压损失为6.7%。  相似文献   
针对热考核用高温燃气流风洞运行过程中的非稳态过程开展研究,采用风洞实验与数值计算相结合的方法研究了风洞整体起动、扩压器背压抬升、关机三种过程中喷管、实验舱和扩压器内瞬态流动特性。实验结果揭示了燃气风洞诸多有趣的瞬态现象,且披露了一手实验数据。而通过数值计算能较好地复现上述瞬态现象;借助数值计算能合理地解释试验现象产生的原因;还能捕捉实验中无法观测到的现象;此外还评估了该风洞扩压器的抗反压裕度在10kPa以上。因此,数值方法是研究大型燃气风洞瞬态流动特性最重要的辅助手段。该研究可为类似风洞运行调试提供借鉴,并为风洞实际运行提供数据支撑。  相似文献   
Aimed at the problem of store separation from internal cavity, this paper innovatively puts forward a separation scheme of using lateral jet to assist store safe separation. The jet ensures that the store is continuously subjected to down head moment during separation, so as to ensure safe separation. The wind tunnel free drop test technique with lateral jet is established, which can ensure that there is no support interference in the motion process of the store and more truly simulate the motio...  相似文献   
Supersonic flows around parachute two-body systems are numerically investigated by solving the compressible Navier-Stokes equations. In the present study, both rigid and flexible parachute models are considered, which comprise a capsule and a canopy. The objective of the present study is to investigate the effects of the Martian atmosphere on the unsteady flows produced by these parachute two-body models and the structural behavior of the flexible canopy. It was found that in the Martian atmosph...  相似文献   
Non-blade-order flow disturbances, also referred to as pre-stall disturbances or tip flow unsteadiness, are closely related with compressor instabilities. The present work provides a comprehensive investigation on multi-scale nature of non-blade-order disturbances and the underlying flow physics in axial compressors. By applying full-annulus Unsteady Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (URANS) simulations, along with space–time correlation and spatial Fourier decomposition, to the disturbed pressure, the propagating feature of the non-blade-order disturbances is obtained. Further, a bridge between non-blade-order disturbances and the evolution of unsteady vortex has been set up. The results show that non-blade-order disturbances, featured as short-length-scale (35 modes across annulus), first appear as the occurrence of tip leakage vortex fluctuation, while the compressor still operates far from stall. Leading-edge radial vortex appears at near stall condition, and its movement induces a circumferential propagating disturbance overlaying on the one induced by oscillating tip leakage vortex. The interaction of the short-scale disturbances with a low-amplitude long-scale (of circumference) disturbance is observed, which results in disturbances with multiple scales of consecutive spatial modes, along with multiple frequency peaks in spectra. The compressor falls into stall as the circumferential nonuniform scattering of the leading-edge vortexes occurs. The densely- and sparsely-scattered leading-edge radial vortexes induce a high-amplitude long-scale (of circumference) disturbance, i.e. stall disturbance.  相似文献   
针对小型平板回路热管蒸发器内的流动与传热,建立了多区域耦合的数学物理模型,并应用FLUENT软件进行了三维数值模拟。结果表明:蒸发器传热特性在不同热负荷下呈现出较大的差异,其温度分布不仅取决于热负荷,更依赖于毛细芯表面发生的两种传热机制,即毛细蒸发和热传导。相比高热负荷(Q=120W)和低热负荷(Q=40W),中等热负荷(Q=80W)下蒸发器各个部位的温度均较低。三种不同热负荷下,毛细芯反向导热均大于侧壁漏热,补偿腔内与毛细芯相邻处易出现高温区。冷凝回流液在补偿腔内的流动形成两个涡,这种流动特点有利于降低毛细芯的温度。当热负荷与系统冷凝能力匹配时,整个系统流动与传热特性最优。   相似文献   
射流装置降温性能评估及敏感性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了研究射流预冷喷射装置方案的降温性能及敏感性,以涡轮基组合循环发动机(TBCC)射流预冷技术为研究对象,提出由低流阻翼型结构的喷杆和雾化喷嘴组成的射流预冷喷射装置方案。利用FLUENT软件对射流预冷喷射装置方案进行了数值模拟,获得该装置在不同喷嘴布局下的流场特性,以流场均匀性、阻塞比、压力损失、温降等性能指标评选最优方案。经过初步分析,蒸发距离、气体来流温度、液滴粒径和喷射流量会对蒸发过程产生影响,因此采用DOE结合数值模拟计算,对各影响因素对降温量和蒸发量进行敏感性评估。分析结果表明:喷射后的温降情况受射流流量、气体来流温度和蒸发距离的影响明显,分别约为65%、20.4%和1.3%;受液滴粒径的影响不明显,约为0.21%。在后期的试验过程中,应充分考虑喷射流量、气体来流温度和蒸发距离对温降的影响。  相似文献   
A wave rotor is suitable for compact and efficient pressure-exchange between gas flows.This work measured the circumferential pressure distribution of the rotor/stator interfaces and utilized a CFD method to simulate the unsteady pressure waves. The experimental and CFD results showed some slopes in the circumferential pressure distributions, and the slopes indicated the traces of specific unsteady pressure waves. Such traces varied regularly if the rotational speed varied within a range from-11...  相似文献   
The lunar surface is a typical vacuum environment, and its harsh heat rejection conditions bring great challenges to the thermal control technology of the exploration mission. In addition to the radiator, the sublimator is recommended as one of the promising options for heat rejection. The sublimator makes use of water to freeze and sublimate in a porous medium, rejecting heat to the vacuum environment. The complex heat and mass transfer process involves many physical phenomena such as the freezing and sublimation phase change of water in the porous medium and the movement of the phase-change interface. In this paper, the visualized ground-based experimental approaches of space sublimation cooling were presented to reveal the moving law of three-phase point and the growth phenomenon of ice-peak and icicle in microchannels under vacuum conditions. The visualized experiments and results prove that the freezing ice is divided into the porous ice-peak and the transparent icicle. As the sublimation progresses, the phase-change interface moves downward steadily, the length of the ice-peak increases, but the icicle decreases. The visualized experiments of space sublimation cooling in the capillary have guiding significance to reveal the sublimation cooling mechanism of water in the sublimator for lunar exploration missions.  相似文献   
为了研究液液同轴离心喷嘴的动态特性,通过理论方法建立了同轴喷嘴中内喷嘴、外喷嘴的传递函数。其中内喷嘴传递函数参考了Bazarov的喷嘴动力学理论。基于非定常伯努利方程,结合压降振荡条件下喷嘴内液体不同速度分量变化量之间关系的分析,推导了外喷嘴的传递函数。通过将内外喷嘴独立的传递函数相结合,获得了同轴喷嘴总流量振荡以及氧燃比振荡的幅频特性。对一具体同轴喷嘴进行了计算,结果表明,内喷嘴在计算频率范围内会出现敏感频率点。在压降振荡同相位情况下,高频时内外喷嘴之间流量振荡相位差较大。通过仅改变内喷嘴或外喷嘴切向孔的数目,对氧燃比1.65,富燃及富氧三种同轴喷嘴整体动态特性进行了分析。三种同轴喷嘴的计算结果中均发现了新的敏感频率点。  相似文献   
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